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Flatbed Printing

UV & Rigid Printing

We love printing, whether it’s flex media or printing on rigid substrates, but we have to admit that flatbed printing might be our favorite. 

At NVS Visuals we know that every project is unique, and because of that we carefully choose our equipment, in order to accommodate our clients from vastly different industries, both locally in New York City, as well as Nation Wide. Because of that we have traditional UV flatbed printing, as well as the new Latex flatbed printing capability. Not only do this processes result in a different printed finish, but we can direct print to mediums that many other printers would not even dream about. (Hint: thus making your project a little extra special.) 

We can print on all standard medias as: Sintra, Acrylic, PVC, DiBond, Foam-boards, wood and aluminum, at photo-quality and at an unbelievable speed. What’s even better, is that we can print on materials (or objects) that are 7” thick, and on substrates that are 8’ wide. Yes, you read that right, whether it’s a foam board print, or a custom made tabletop, we can print to it directly. Both with white and clear spot UV ink. 

If you want to experiment with flatbed printing for your project – we are extremely excited to work with you, but if you’re looking for straight forward, hassle free, consistent and reliable printing for standard rigid media, we’re extremely happy to become your new trusted vendor. There is no too big of a project we can tackle, and no-too crazy request we’ll hear. Contact us so that we can start working on your next print.



We stock all standard rigid substrates at 1/8″, 1/4″, 1/2″ and 1″ thicknesses. But if you don’t see what you want to print on, don’t worry – we can source almost anything within a day or two.


Different colors, finishes and thicknesses. We cary Gator Boards, as well as Ultra Boards.


Different colors and thicknesses. PVC sturdier than foam board, but lighter than acrylic or wood prints.


Birch is a perfect wood to print on. It's light, so that all the colors are not affected.


DiBond is great for sturdy signs. It's very rigid, but light at the same time.


Great for complex-shaped prints. Usually CNCd after printing


Thin aluminum, or aluminum faced boards. Come in mirror, gold and silver faces.

Flatbed printing could not get any more customizable.

Here at NVS we take our commitment to creative approach in commercial printing very seriously. We can print very wide, on materials that usually do not pass flatbed printer’s clearance, and we can literarily dimensionally build up your creative with white or clear spot UV. We believe that there is always a multitude of approaches to any creative printing. We are experts at giving you the print options, with consideration of the project timeline, and the budget. 

Outside of the ever experimenting, and creative approach, we also understand that your project needs to be done fast, and executed as described. Our flatbed printers deliver photo-quality prints, at an unbelievable speed. More importantly, we’re always color accurate and can Pantone match to your requirements. 

To sum, whether your project is a simple print that you needed yesterday, or a multi layered, three dimensional creative executed on two-dimensional media – we got you. 


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NVS Visuals

53-25 Metropolitan ave

Ridgewood, NY 11385

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NVS Visuals is a media company that specializes in transforming spaces and objects through print and fabrication.

Formerly known as NY City Wraps.